Diseases and Conditions

Ambiguous genitalia

Coping and support

If your baby is diagnosed with ambiguous genitalia, you may worry about your child's future. Mental health professionals can help you deal with this difficult and unexpected challenge. Ask your child's doctor for a referral to a mental health professional who has experience helping people in your situation.

In addition to ongoing counseling for your family and your child, you may benefit from a support group, either in person or online. Your child can benefit from ongoing counseling by mental health professionals and participation in support groups into adulthood.

Not knowing the gender of your newborn immediately can turn a hoped-for celebration into a stressful crisis. Your medical team will provide you with updates and information as quickly as possible to help settle any questions about your child's health.

Consider delaying a formal announcement of the birth until testing is complete and you've developed a plan with advice from your medical team. Give yourself some time to learn and think about the issue before answering difficult questions from family and friends.

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